An exceptional aureus of Septimius Severus
Los 1629
Septimius Severus, 193-211. Aureus (Gold, 20 mm, 7.09 g, 6 h), Rome, 206-early 208. SEVERVS PIVS AVG Laureate head of Septimius Severus to right. Rev. RESTITVTOR VRBIS Roma seated left on throne, holding palladium in her right hand and scepter in her left; below seat, round shield. BMC 358. Calicó 2529. Cohen 605. RIC 288 var. (spear not scepter). Rare and in exceptional condition. A beautifully struck and very sharp piece with a magnificent portrait. Good extremely fine.

From the collection of an Armenian businessman, ex Roma 7, 22 March 2014, 1104.

The reverse of this magnificent aureus celebrates the 'restoration of the city', referring to the massive construction and restoration works undertaken in Rome under Septimius Severus prior to his departing on the British campaign in 208. These included the new construction of the Temples of Hercules and Liber Pater as well as renovation of the aedes Vestae, the atrium Vestae, the Pantheon, the forma urbis and the temples of Divus Vespasian, Pax, Isis and Fortuna Muliebris.
15000 CHF
12000 CHF
24000 CHF
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